8th May 2020 – photographs in upcomming show: “Wolf’s Lair” & 75th VE-day anniversary of WWII
The first days of this strange Mai I spent on reproducing prints from my long term project „On military space“.
Now the photographs „Führer headquarter Wolf’s Lair” II, III and IV are on their way to Kunsthalle Bremen and I’m glad to see them soon in noble company of the works by Caspar David Friedrich, Wolfgang Tillmans and other top-class artists from the museum’s collection in a new context of the upcoming exhibition: “20/20 Vision. The collection remixed”.
My engagement with the topic began in 2006 in Masuria, Poland, then East Prussia of the Third Reich. It further led me to sites along the Atlantic coast (Atlantic Wall) in Brittany, Pas de Calais, to Chanel Islands and Denmark, above the Arctic Circle in Norway, through the vast space of Russian steppe to Wolgograd, to the Aegean, Crete, Crimea Peninsula and far more..
Today, I’m standing here in Berlin again in front of those photographs.
Today 75 years ago, on 8th of May 1945, here in Berlin “the German Instrument of Surrender” was signed by the Wehrmacht army and thus the end of World War II in Europe was sealed.
© Alexander Schippel